CVAC™ Power Pod
The CVAC™ Power Pod
CVAC™ stands for “Cyclic Variation Altitude Conditioning™” and represents an unparalleled approach for improving the body’s energy system functions. There are only around 75 Pods in use around the world with about half publicly available. Individuals who own their own CVAC include the world’s top tennis player, a renown motivational guru, and a few Royal Families.
About CVAC™ Power Pod
The Pod is a unique cellular exercise and conditioning modality that stimulates the body’s natural adaptation responses. It achieves benefits similar to those gained through traditional aerobic and anaerobic exercise, but without the physical exertion associated with traditional exercise. Just two hours a week sitting in the Pod has been shown to boost performance and provide multitude wellness and performance benefits including:
Improved Health – Better Sleep – Raster Recovery – Increased Performance – Increased Endurance.
Whole Body Cellular Exercise
The Power Pod uses dynamic changes in air pressure to exercise every part of the body at once. Vacuum pressure and atmospheric changes are transmitted to the body and cells, including the brain, in a 20-minute session, enhancing lymphatic flow, and glymphatic flow.
Sit in the Pod and exercise while working on your computer or reading a book – what a great way to get a workout! The CVAC is ideal for those attempting to improve or recover their wellness and performance, and especially those who are prevented from normal exercise due to condition or injury. CVAC calls it “effort-free physical conditioning™”
Cellular Detox and Mitochondria Biogenesis
The benefits of detoxing the body are well documented. While in the Pod, the entire body, blood cells, organs and muscle are rhythmically compressed and relaxed, as if you have just engaged in a vigorous exercise session. Simultaneously, CVAC’s pressure changes help to clean out the body’s engines as the pressure cycling expands and contracts the body’s cells.
The rapid changes in pressure acts like a vacuum cleaner for the body’s cells – including the Brain. Better fluid flow reduces inflammation, removes cellular waste and toxins and increases oxygen absorption for faster recovery.
The Pod’s unique ability to simultaneously exercise and detox help the body to build more mitochondria. Why is that good? Additional mitochondria can translate into having more sustained energy. The technical term is called “mitochondria biogenesis.”
Benefits of Body Stressor
New research is showing the benefits of short-term stressors for longevity and anti-aging. Examples of stressors can be bathing in very cold water, going on a fast, or doing intense exercise.
During a CVAC session, dramatic changes are taking place at the cellular level as the body experiences dynamically changing, varied vacuum pressures. Dynamic inflow and outflow of fresh filtered air provides changes in pressure and varies the density of the air. The entire body is challenged with the increased effort required to adapt to the dynamic ever-changing environment, without the joint stress and physical exertion that are associated with traditional exercise.
Since the body must adapt to the changes in pressure, every cell in the body receives benefits:
- A natural, low-pressure environment supports improved breathing.
- Enhanced use of oxygen for the brain and the body’s tissues.
- Improved circulation and mobilization of fluid in the lymphatic system.
- Stimulation of cerebral spinal fluid (CFS) flow are integral to the whole-body conditioning.
- Enhanced overall sleep quality and more restful healing sleep, fine tunes mental acuity, improves brain performance and cognitive functioning.
Simulates Altitude Conditioning
The Pod offers all the benefits of high-altitude acclimatization or conditioning, with any of the associated negative side effects.
During the session dynamic changes in air pressure within the Pod simulate variations in altitude and adaptation. This short-term oxygen deprivation, causing the body to boost the production of Erythropoietin (EPO) which increases red blood cell production as well as an increase in capillary and mitochondrial density.
To give you an idea of why this can be beneficial, some athletes have been caught cheating by using “blood doping” (spinning their blood down to remove and store red blood cells to inject on the day of an event). What are the benefits? More red blood cells equals more oxygen and increased performance. The CVAC power pod enhances the body’s natural reaction boost red blood cell production which in turn can help improve performance.
Profound Benefits
- Attain the benefits of Exercise while Sitting
- Achieve Deeper and More Quality Sleep
- Improve Metabolic Waste Removal
- Enhance Circulation
- Balance the Autonomic Nervous System and Stress Reduction
- Create Mitochondrial Biogenesis – Energy Production
- Reduce Chronic Pain, Lessen Inflammation and Swelling
- Accelerate Recovery and Healing
- Optimize Glymphatic and Lymphatic Mobilization
- Improve Glucose Metabolism (uptake/disposal)
- Support Gut-Brain Axis Activity
- Improve Digestion and Assimilation of Nutrients
- Support Cellular Integrity
- Expand Ability of Lungs to Take in Air
- Improve Oxygenation of all the Body’s Tissues
- Enhance Oxygenation of the Brain, Cognitive Fitness, and Mental Acuity
- Strengthen Immune System
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